Defeating Drift: Living Snow Fences in Action

Snow covered evergreen trees bordering the side of a road,

The winter wind scoops and sweeps swaths of snow, creating drifts and whiteouts that can lead to hazardous road conditions. 

Snow Solution

Many methods, such as the slatted snow fence, have been employed to control snow drifts. Their short lifespan, however, has led to a search for more effective and long-lasting solutions. Living snow fences are one solution. Rows of trees and shrubs set back, but parallel, to the road, slow wind enough to settle snow drifts in fields instead of on the road. That means safer winter driving.

An open pasture.
Living snow fences retain wind buffering benefits in all seasons, which helps to reduce soil erosion.

Why it Works

The benefits of living snow fences don’t melt away when the snow does either. All year-round, well designed living snow fences can help prevent soil erosion and provide habitat for wildlife. Living snow fences can also improve crop yields, help to manage water supply, and improve air and soil conditions.

We can help you design, fund and plant your living snow fence. We offer free site visits, preparation and monitoring, custom planting plans, tree care and more. Plus, our funding covers up to 100 per cent of the costs.

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