Building Resilient Communities at the Neighbourhood Scale
A sustainable neighbourhood is a healthy, safe and resilient place to live, work and play. Sustainable neighbourhoods:
- Have accessible, diverse and healthy green spaces
- Encourage water and energy efficiency
- Manage rain where it falls
- Promote healthy living and active transportation
- Foster a connected community engaged in stewardship and climate action
CVC is working with municipal partners, residents, businesses, schools and community groups to develop and implement plans for environmental improvement, urban renewal, community engagement and climate change resilience.
What is SNAP?
Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) is a comprehensive and tailored strategy to revitalize mature neighbourhoods facing environmental challenges.
Plans respond to local issues and community interests, address municipal and regional priorities and identify key projects that contribute to a shared neighbourhood vision.
CVC’s SNAP is a progressive approach to sustainability planning and program implementation that was adapted from the approach developed by Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. This model engages the community, improves program efficiencies and builds strong partnerships for achieving collective outcomes.
The following SNAP neighbourhood programs are currently underway in the Credit River Watershed:

Fletchers Creek SNAP in Brampton
Explore the Action Plan and activities to make the Fletchers Creek neighbourhood more sustainable and ready for a
changing climate.

Cooksville SNAP in Mississauga
The Cooksville Sustainable Neighbourhood Action Plan (SNAP) is a plan being developed with your community to make Cooksville Creek and the surrounding neighbourhood healthier and ready for a changing climate.

Hungry Hollow SNAP in Halton Hills
Explore the Action Plan and activities to make Hungry Hollow ravine and the Delrex neighbourhood more sustainable and ready for a changing climate.
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