Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our Commitment

We’re committed to diversity, equity and inclusiveness. These are values that we hold in the highest regard.

We are proud to serve one of the most culturally diverse areas of Canada and recognize that diversity enriches the lives of all watershed residents and the work we do. Racial inequities in Canadian society and specifically racial injustices towards Black people as highlighted by the Black Lives Matter movement have opened up new conversations within our organization about racism, diversity, equity and inclusion.

While CVC prides itself in its readiness to have the conversation, we can do more towards self-examination and make commitments to take tangible actions. Now is a time to speak up and take action to create a more just, fair and equitable society. We chose to be part of the solution. CVC stands in solidarity with Black people, Indigenous peoples and people of colour.

We recognize:

  • Racial discrimination and systemic racism against Black people, Indigenous peoples and people of colour exists in our society, including in the environmental and conservation sector.
  • We must do more to improve inclusion, representation and equity for Black people, Indigenous peoples and people of colour.

We believe:

  • Black lives matter.
  • Racism towards Black people, Indigenous peoples and people of colour and other forms of discrimination should never be tolerated in our society, the environmental sector and our organization.
  • Everyone has a right to enjoy and conserve our natural environment and should be free to do so without experiencing discrimination.
  • Individuals and organizations have a collective responsibility to speak up and take action to counter racism and discrimination.
  • Organizations in the public and environmental sectors must work to remove barriers (internal, external and systemic), address bias and promote inclusion to increase access to natural spaces, recruitment and employment in the sectors and participation in programs by Black people, Indigenous peoples and people of colour.
  • Fulfilling CVC’s vision of a thriving environment that protects, connects and sustains us requires the inclusion of diverse voices and perspectives.

We commit to:

  • Form a CVC Anti-racism Advisory Committee to research and recommend specific actions.
  • Review CVC practices for opportunities to improve diversity, inclusion and equity and remove bias.
  • Review recruitment methods and remove barriers to employment to improve levels of diversity among our staff and volunteers to better reflect the diversity of the communities we serve.
  • Increase staff awareness of anti-racism, diversity, inclusion, equity and bias.
  • Listen to the voices of Black people, Indigenous peoples and people of colour to better address environmental and climate issues that impact them and conservation goals that matter to them.
  • Expand inclusive outreach efforts through our youth, education, landowner, volunteer and community-based programs.
  • Work to identify and remove socio-economic barriers to participating in our programs and visiting our parks in partnership with our staff and community.
  • Include stories and imagery that reflect the rich diversity of the communities we serve.
  • Continue to actualize the vision of the Diversity and Inclusion Charter of Peel throughout our watershed, embracing diversity and equity so that everyone can achieve their full potential.
  • Embed diversity, equity and inclusion in all plans and strategies.

Honouring the Land and Water

As we work to further our mission we are reminded of the rich history and enduring presence of Indigenous peoples as stewards of the land and water of the Credit River Watershed.
Learn more about our engagement with Indigenous Nations, communities and peoples.

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