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Assessment of Standards and Systems for Quality and RiskManagement for Stormwater Infrastructure in light of Existing andFuture Climate Change Impacts

Report assessing the existing standards for stormwater management and their ability to integrate floodresiliency and climate change solutions with the aim to support Partners in building stormwater systemresilience.

Assessment of Standards and Systems for Quality and RiskManagement for Stormwater Infrastructure in light of Existing andFuture Climate Change Impacts Continue Reading


Automated Real-time IoT Smart Blue Roof Systems for the IC&I Sector for Flood and Drought Resilience and Adaptation: A Literature Review

Literature review providing background information and initial analysis of the suitability of CVC’s head office building to implement a smart blue roof.

Automated Real-time IoT Smart Blue Roof Systems for the IC&I Sector for Flood and Drought Resilience and Adaptation: A Literature Review Continue Reading


Automated Real-time IoT Smart Blue Roof Systems for the ICI Sector for Flood and Drought Resilience and Adaptation: Technical and Financial Feasibility Study

The technical and financial feasibility study and assessment of smart blue roof implementation, both for CVC’s head office and for the broader industrial, commercial and institutional sector (IC&I). It also covers a structural and building science capacity analysis of the CVC administrative office and a review of public and private sector benefits of implementing smart blue roof technology.

Automated Real-time IoT Smart Blue Roof Systems for the ICI Sector for Flood and Drought Resilience and Adaptation: Technical and Financial Feasibility Study Continue Reading

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