Reports and Studies

Planning and Development Services Customer Service and Streamlining Action Plan

An outline of CVC Planning and Development Services (PDS) department’s action plan to demonstrate CVC’s continued commitment to customer service excellence in keeping with CVC’s corporate Customer Service Charter and consistent with Conservation Ontario’s Client Service Streamlining Initiative.

Planning and Development Services Customer Service and Streamlining Action Plan Continue Reading

Ranking local species of conservation concern in the Credit River Watershed

This report outlines CVC’s method to assign local conservation status ranks (L-ranks) and identify local species of conservation concern at a watershed scale, and demonstrate its application using the fishes of the Credit River Watershed as a test case.

Ranking local species of conservation concern in the Credit River Watershed Continue Reading

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Research Gaps in Setting Levels of Service and Assessing Levels of Risk for Managing Stormwater in a Watershed Context

The purpose of this document is to identify guidance needs for establishing a common approach to setting watershed and stormwater levels of service and assessing associated risk in light of climate change to inform (sub)watershed planning, municipal master planning and asset management planning in accordance with provincial and municipal requirements.

Research Gaps in Setting Levels of Service and Assessing Levels of Risk for Managing Stormwater in a Watershed Context Continue Reading

Shaws Creek Subwatershed Study – Subwatershed 17 Phase I Characterization Report

This study covers the environmental and water related issues within the Shaws Creek Subwatershed, also referred to as Subwatershed 17. Specifically, an analysis of the groundwater and surface water hydrology, water quality, stream geomorphology, and aquatic and terrestrial ecology were undertaken.

Shaws Creek Subwatershed Study – Subwatershed 17 Phase I Characterization Report Continue Reading

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Smart Blue Roof and Rainwater Harvesting System Optimization: Engineering Design Brief

Smart blue roof and rainwater harvesting system optimization engineering design brief outlines the project background, main project objectives, permitting requirements, legislative requirements as well as the system final design being carried forward to construction.

Smart Blue Roof and Rainwater Harvesting System Optimization: Engineering Design Brief Continue Reading

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Stormwater Management Guideline (updated July 2022)

This Stormwater Management Guideline replaces the Stormwater Management Criteria (2012). The new document reflects climate change, new technologies, and policy directions. The SWM Guide supplements CVC’s Planning and Development Administrative Procedural Manual (CVC, 2011), with more detailed direction regarding the Stormwater Management component of development approvals.

Stormwater Management Guideline (updated July 2022) Continue Reading

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