Reports and Studies

LOISS Background Report APP I-Conservation-Lands

This report summarized CVC’s acquisition and creation of land along the Lake Ontario shoreline within its jurisdiction. Occurring almost exclusively in the 1970s, the waterfront acquisition program at the time was designed to implement the recommendations for the Mississauga section of the 1967 Metropolitan Toronto Waterfront Plan. CVC was appointed as the agency which could best manage the implementation of the project and who could channel and combine multiple funding sources – funding for the waterfront project came primarily from the Province and the City of Mississauga.

LOISS Background Report APP I-Conservation-Lands Continue Reading

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LOISS Background Review and Data Gap Analysis

This phase of Lake Ontario Integrated Shoreline Strategy involved the collection and analysis of background information to determine historical and existing conditions within the Study Area. It also identified data gaps, prioritized these gaps, and developed approaches to addressing the gaps to adequately characterize the shoreline.

LOISS Background Review and Data Gap Analysis Continue Reading

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LOISS Moore Creek Fluvial Geomorphology

This report responds to a recommendation from LOISS to gain insight into the interaction of the watercourses and Lake Ontario, to identify watercourses most sensitive to backwater from the lake, and to identify watercourses providing the highest sediment inputs to the shoreline. Since Moore Creek is contained within private property of the Lorne Park Estates and access permission had not been established, this creek was not assessed during the LOISS study. The fluvial geomorphic assessment of Moore Creek was consequently identified as a data gap. CVC was subsequently granted access to Moore Creek and retained Aquafor to undertake this study to complement the LOISS dataset.

LOISS Moore Creek Fluvial Geomorphology Continue Reading

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LOISS Shoreline Recession Monitoring Report

To provide baseline information to establish a recession monitoring program for the entire CVC watershed shoreline. The recession monitoring was recommended to fill a data gap identified in the LOISS. The project consists of two components: 1) a field monitoring program; and 2) photogrammetric monitoring program.

LOISS Shoreline Recession Monitoring Report Continue Reading

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Low Impact Development Public Lands Retrofits: Optimizing Parks, Public Buildings, Schools and Places of Worship through Low Impact Development

This guide’s aim is to offer information, guidance, case studies, and tools to properties managed by municipalities and other public lands about low impact development.

Low Impact Development Public Lands Retrofits: Optimizing Parks, Public Buildings, Schools and Places of Worship through Low Impact Development Continue Reading

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Low Impact Development Road Retrofits: Optimizing Your Infrastructure Assets through Low Impact Development

This guide’s aim is to offer advice and support – both political and technical – for the adoption of low impact development within road infrastructure in order to maintain and enhance a municipality’s level of service.

Low Impact Development Road Retrofits: Optimizing Your Infrastructure Assets through Low Impact Development Continue Reading

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Market Research and Marketing Strategy: Lot-level Stormwater Control in the Residential Sector

This study explores new options and processes for enhanced stormwater control, including lot-level measures which address stromwater at the beginning of a drainage system. It also examines the opportunities and constraints to residents’ implementing at-source stormwater management measures.

Market Research and Marketing Strategy: Lot-level Stormwater Control in the Residential Sector Continue Reading

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