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Living by the Lake Action Plan: 2019-2039

This Action Plan lays out recommendations to conserve, enhance and restore the health of the Mississauga shoreline to direct and coordinate our collective efforts based on the best available science. It builds on existing partnerships with stakeholders to take on conservation actions collaboratively.

Living by the Lake Action Plan: 2019-2039 Continue Reading


LOISS Assessment of Coastal Engineering Structures (GHD 2015)

The LOISS recommnded an assessment of structures on public land owned or managed by CVC. The study consists of the following components:
• Development of an inventory of the shoreline protection structures;
• Assessment of the condition and effectiveness of the structures;
• Recommendations of opportunities for replacement or conversion of shoreline structures
• with the goal of shoreline naturalization; and,
• Recommendations for long term monitoring of the structures.

LOISS Assessment of Coastal Engineering Structures (GHD 2015) Continue Reading


LOISS Assessment of Coastal Engineering Structures (Shoreplan 2015)

The LOISS recommended creating an inventory of shoreline protection structures on public and selected private lands within the CVC watershed. An initial assessment report of six sites was prepared in 2014. This report is continuation of that work and considers fourteen sites.

LOISS Assessment of Coastal Engineering Structures (Shoreplan 2015) Continue Reading


LOISS Background Report APP A-Hydrology and Hydraulics

This report compiled existing hydrologic characteristics of the Study Area and its watercourses be established. This information is critical in providing key information on the selection and design of stormwater management facilities for future urban development lands. In the context of this study, hydraulics deals with the movement of water through streams and rivers. Thus, the combination of hydrology and hydraulics allows for the definition of existing flood characteristics and the Regulatory floodplain limits.

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LOISS Background Report APP B-Fluvial Geomorphology

The fluvial geomorphology component of the LOISS provided insight into interaction between tributaries and the shoreline, identified watercourses that are most sensitive to Lake Ontario backwater influences, and identified watercourses that may yield the highest sediment load to the shoreline.

LOISS Background Report APP B-Fluvial Geomorphology Continue Reading


LOISS Background Report APP D-Water Quality

This report section reviewed the water quality studies on Lake Ontario tributaries and for the nearshore and offshore waters of Lake Ontario, with particular reference to the LOISS area. The historical water quality information is presented in three distinct, if overlapping, periods: The 1960s, the 1990s and following 2000.

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LOISS Background Report APP F-Hydrogeology

This report compiled existing information related to groundwater -discharge and -quality. The primary groundwater function within the LOISS Study Area is assumed to be supportive of surface water features and aquatic habitat, and contributions to stream baseflow in particular. Groundwater discharge to streams helps to maintain flow even during prolonged dry periods, and thereby contribute to aquatic habitat. As groundwater is generally of better quality than surface runoff, and is also a more consistent temperature, groundwater also adds to the overall quality of stream flow as well.

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LOISS Background Report APP G-Aquatic-Natural Heritage

This report identified and characterized the aquatic habitat and fish communities throughout the Study Area, which was then used to provide an integrative environmental indicator of the health of the aquatic environment. The sensitivity of the fishery, including habitat requirements, needs to be understood in order to prevent any degradation as stipulated by the Federal Fisheries Act and also supported by MNR and CVC policies and legislation

LOISS Background Report APP G-Aquatic-Natural Heritage Continue Reading


LOISS Background Report APP H-Ecological Goods and Services

This report incorporated an economic perspective to integrate the socioeconomics and ecology to allow for identifying efficient, cost-effective solutions. Therefore, this report served as a launching point for generating economic tools to assist in shoreline decision making.

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LOISS Background Report APP I-Conservation-Lands

This report summarized CVC’s acquisition and creation of land along the Lake Ontario shoreline within its jurisdiction. Occurring almost exclusively in the 1970s, the waterfront acquisition program at the time was designed to implement the recommendations for the Mississauga section of the 1967 Metropolitan Toronto Waterfront Plan. CVC was appointed as the agency which could best manage the implementation of the project and who could channel and combine multiple funding sources – funding for the waterfront project came primarily from the Province and the City of Mississauga.

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LOISS Background Review and Data Gap Analysis

This phase of Lake Ontario Integrated Shoreline Strategy involved the collection and analysis of background information to determine historical and existing conditions within the Study Area. It also identified data gaps, prioritized these gaps, and developed approaches to addressing the gaps to adequately characterize the shoreline.

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