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Environmantal Benefit Index for Wetland Restoration on Private Lands in the Greenbelt Region of Ontario, Canada: User Manual

This manual on the Greenbelt-specific Environmental Benefit Index (EBI) is to measure changes in ecosystem services as a result of landowners undertaking specific wetland restoration activities.

Environmantal Benefit Index for Wetland Restoration on Private Lands in the Greenbelt Region of Ontario, Canada: User Manual Continue Reading


Environmental Benefit Index for Wetland Restoration on Private Lands in the Greenbelt Region of Ontario, Canada: Literature Review and Conceptual Framework

The study reviews economic fundamentals of reverse auctions (RAs) and Environmental Benefit Indices (EBIs) used in the USA, Australia, and Canada. The study also recommends a framework for a Greenbelt-specific wetland restoration EBI that includes biological, hydrological, and social benefits.

Environmental Benefit Index for Wetland Restoration on Private Lands in the Greenbelt Region of Ontario, Canada: Literature Review and Conceptual Framework Continue Reading


Evaluating Natural Heritage Connectivity in the Credit River Watershed

University of Toronto-Mississauga report documenting the results of collaboration with CVC to model landscape connectivity in the Credit River Watershed using a circuit theory approach and evaluate the importance of each natural area for maintaining connectivity.

Evaluating Natural Heritage Connectivity in the Credit River Watershed Continue Reading


Evaluation, Classification and Management of Headwaters Drainage Features: Guidelines

These guidelines have been developed to provide direction to practitioners for those features that are not clearly covered by existing policy and legislation as being important eco-hydrological features (e.g. perennial streams and provincially significant wetlands), but may contribute to the overall health of a watershed.

Evaluation, Classification and Management of Headwaters Drainage Features: Guidelines Continue Reading

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