Credit Valley Conservation Responds to Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Under guidance from Peel Public Health and considering the well-being of our many partners, volunteers and staff around the COVID-19 pandemic, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) is responding with the following current changes in operations and programming:

  • Sugarbush Maple Syrup Festival originally scheduled March 14 – April 12 is cancelled at Terra Cotta and Island Lake Conservation Areas.
  • All public and private school programming is cancelled until April 5, 2020.
  • Friends of the Credit Conservation Awards scheduled March 26 is postponed.

Program and Service Updates

  • CVC Administration Offices at 1255 Old Derry Rd, Mississauga and operations at the Warwick Conservation Centre, 15526 Heart Lake Road, Caledon, are open for business as usual (8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m., Monday – Friday).
  • All essential services including CVC’s Flood Forecasting and Warning operations remain active.
  • Terra Cotta and Island Lake Conservation Areas remain open for healthy outdoor activity.
  • All public, community and corporate programming and events scheduled after April 5, 2020 will be reassessed according to evolving public health notices.

Credit Valley Conservation Response Activities

  • A Corporate Planning Team has been activated and staff are meeting regularly to monitor, develop and implement response measures as the situation evolves.
  • Policies and technology are in place for staff to work from home as needed.
  • Staff returning after March 13 from any travel outside Canada have been asked to self-isolate according to public health directions.
  • Increased cleaning and disinfecting of common public areas, counters, washrooms, etc. is in place in all CVC offices and parks.
  • If an infected individual is or was known to be at a CVC facility, CVC will immediately contact local public health authorities and follow appropriate protocols.

For reliable current information about COVID-19, contact any of the following public health authorities:

Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) is a local conservation authority established by the Ontario government in 1954 to protect, restore and enhance the natural environment of the Credit River Watershed. Our watershed is defined by the area of land where all rainfall, snowmelt and runoff drain into lands and waters flowing into the Credit River. CVC creates connections between people and nature, knowledge and action. We inspire a deep appreciation for the role of nature in keeping people connected, healthy and happy. CVC is a member of Conservation Ontario.


Media Contact
Maureen Pogue
Sr Manager, Marketing & Communications
Credit Valley Conservation
905-670-1615 ext. 242 | M 647-271-5643
[email protected]

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