Future Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area

Aerial perspective of green space along shoreline.

New Trails, Boardwalks, Lookouts and Gathering Spaces

CVC and our partners at Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and Region of Peel are working hard to transform a degraded section of the Mississauga shoreline into a thriving 26-hectare natural area that benefits both the community and local wildlife. This area is now called Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area.

To date, we have reused over 262,000 cubic metres of construction rubble and 1,483,600 cubic metres of fill to build the new landform and enhanced shoreline. Our restoration crews have planted over 76,321 wetland plants and 36,260 trees and shrubs by hand to provide food and habitat for wildlife.

The Final Piece of the Design

Now that the landform creation and initial restoration efforts are nearly complete, we are creating a unique space for the public to enjoy.

Through consultation with our Indigenous partners, community advisory members and partner organizations, we‘re planning to build an accessible network of trails, boardwalks, lookouts and gathering spaces. These new amenities will provide scenic connections to the lake, wetlands, grasslands and forest environments at the conservation area showcasing the diverse cultural and ecological history of the site.

Map of Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation area, showing (from left to right) the western Entrance Drum, Barges, Serson Creek Bridge, Serson Wetlands, Promontory Feature, Primary Trail, Teaching Amphitheatre, Applewood Wetland, Applewood Creek Bridge and Eastern Entrance Drum.
Conceptual site plan of the new JTLCA.

New Trail Systems and Other New Features

JTLCA will offer 3.77 kilometres of new trail amenities for the Lakeview community. The main Waterfront Trail will be a 5.5-metre wide lane separated multi-use trail that spans the conservation area from Marie Curtis Park in the east to the future Lakeview Village in the west. It will bring the Waterfront Trail back to the waterfront, rather than its current path along Lakeshore Road East.

Other exciting, new features of JTLCA area will include:

  • A teaching amphitheatre
  • A 170-metre wooden boardwalk and viewing platform
  • Public access to a historic 123-year-old barge
  • A lookout and amenity space at the top of the promontory

Dazzling Views from the Promontory

Situated 14 metres above lake level at the highest point in the conservation area, the promontory will boast a breathtaking 360-degree view of the surrounding greenspace, city skyline and Lake Ontario. This feature will be visible across JTLCA and will offer unique views along the shoreline.

Artists rendering of an outdoor gathering space and a city skyline in the background.
Artist’s conceptual rendering of the promontory feature.

Construction of the new trails and public realm infrastructure will begin in fall 2023, with the public opening of JTLCA planned for July 2025. Stay tuned for more updates as the new conservation area takes shape.

Read more about the Jim Tovey Lake Conservation Area project.

Explore the photography exhibit Morphology and witness the birth of a new landscape through the eyes of creative photo artists.

By Bryanna McLaughlin, Senior Coordinator Capital Projects

Comments (4)

  1. Very happy to know about the progress on this beautiful trail. If a shaded canopy area with benches, washrooms, water fountains as well as a small cafeteria to be included then it would benefit the families with children, seniors and others to enjoy the trail with enthusiasm and joy.
    Thanks for all of your teams dedicated efforts to make this a reality and appreciates nature.

  2. Is the recently announced mandate by the provincial government to greatly increase the residential size of the future Lakeview Village going to have any impact on the plans for the conservation area ?

    1. Credit Valley Conservation

      Hi Vic. We undertook the planning process with the understanding that Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area is projected to be CVC’s most visited conservation area. We have been designing public infrastructure to support the highest levels of visitation we can (extremely wide user-separated trails, large scenic viewpoints, ample rest areas, frequent garbage and recycling containers, long lasting and durable assets, etc.). However, the approved Ministry Zoning Order will bring an increased intensity of use for JTLCA that will need to be reflected in our maintenance and ecological management of the conservation area.

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