Engage Your Students with Nature, Virtually!
Connect your class to the local environment in the Credit River Watershed by exploring their very own backyard, local park or schoolyard.
Access our free interactive lesson plans and activities to engage your students from kindergarten to grade 12.
Climate Change Solutions Program
This curriculum-based video series brings a local focus to global environmental issues. Connect climate change, water quality, biodiversity and the importance of urban green spaces for health and wellness in our communities to our local Credit River Watershed.
What are brook trout and how are they being affected by climate change? High school students are working alongside Credit Valley Conservation scientists to restore brook trout habitat and prepare the Credit River for climate change.
Grades: 9 – 12
How does climate change affect our food? Watch this video to learn how climate change affects farms and what farmers in your area are doing about it.
Grades: 9 – 12
Download the Teacher Guide – Food, Farming and Climate Change
Download the Students Guide – Food, Farming and Climate Change
What is low impact development (LID)? Watch this video to learn how climate change affects cities and urban areas and how LID features can help reduce the stress on urban infrastructure.
Grades: 9 -12
Download the Teacher Guide: Climate Change Solutions: Low Impact Development
Download the Student Guide: Climate Change Solutions: Low Impact Development
Download Case Studies – Head Office, Green Glades Public School, IMAX
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Please share your feedback on the Climate Change Solutions resources to help us improve this program.
Classroom Videos and Activities
Schoolyard Field Tripper Activity Guides
We offer free curriculum-linked lesson plans for outdoor learning. Connect your class to the local environment in the Credit River Watershed by exploring your schoolyard.
Schoolyard Field Tripper Activity Guides for primary, junior and intermediate students are easy to facilitate lesson plans that present local watershed science in fun and interactive ways. The electronic resources include detailed activity instructions, curriculum links and printable materials to complete five nature connection activities.
Your schoolyard is the perfect place to take your budding naturalists to learn about local plants and animals through art and science.
Grades: Kindergarten – 3
Get outside and explore your schoolyard using art, science and math to learn more about local birds and how to protect them.
Grades: 4 – 6
Design a restoration project for your schoolyard to benefit local ecology and improve watershed health.
Grades: 7 – 8
Virtual Branch Out
Connect your class to the local environment in the Credit River Watershed with free curriculum-linked lesson plans.
Use these easy to facilitate lesson plans to present local watershed science in fun and interactive ways. This electronic resource includes detailed activity instructions, curriculum links, and printable materials to complete five environmental-themed activities.
Grades: 9 – 10
Wild Wild Watershed
Discover habitats along the Credit River. Learn about what animals live within them. Students can then complete the accompanying curriculum-linked worksheet.
Grades: Kindergarten – 4
Download the Worksheet: The Wild Wild Watershed Primary Worksheet
Why Wetlands?
Go on an epic journey as we investigate wetlands. This program is sponsored by Wildlife Habitat Canada.
Grade: 4
Waterfront Connections
This educational package connects students with natural spaces, and focuses on the importance of water, watershed and the current threats and possible solutions to the challenges that the environment is currently facing.
In partnership with the Region of Peel and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), CVC is building a new conservation area. The Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation area (JTLCA) will establish a natural waterfront, providing important natural habitat and public space at the eastern edge of Mississauga on Lake Ontario.
Grades: 1 to 8
Students for Stormwater
Use this resource to explore a rain garden on your school’s property or visit a rain garden with your class. Rain gardens provide an outdoor experiential learning space where students can learn about stormwater, native plants and environmental stewardship. This resource includes background information for teachers and curriculum connected lesson plans.
Grades: Kindergarten to 8
Learn with CVC Video Series
Students will delight in hands-on learning by watching two-minute videos about nature. Then get outside where they can try out their new naturalist knowledge and skills.
Join us to make your very own binoculars. Spot signs of spring at home!
Grades: Kindergarten – 3
Identify different types of clouds. Look at the clouds in your neighbourhood. What kind of weather is coming your way today?
Grades: Kindergarten – 3
Explore natural wonders in your backyard with your amazing senses.
Grades: Kindergarten – 3
Let’s make art with nature!
Grades: Kindergarten – 3
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Teacher News

Get your class outside this spring and ask students to go to a place that matters to them, […]

Springtime brings a symphony of birds, such as woodpeckers! Both males and females will drum into dead or […]

Head outside with your class this winter and try these quick activities from “Five Minute Field Trips:” K-Grade […]
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