Lance-leaved Coreopsis

An orange-reddish butterfly with black spots on its wings, sitting on a yellow flower.

Coreopsis lanceolata

With bursts of warm yellow, lance-leaved coreopsis brightens any garden. Reliable lance-shaped leaves provide greenery throughout the growing season.

An excellent pollinator plant, lance-leaved coreopsis provides nectar for butterflies, bees and moths. Its flat 3 to 4 centimetre wide blooms create a perfect landing pad and easy access for larger species such as monarchs and great spangled fritillary butterflies, both found in the Credit River Watershed. 

How to Plant and Care Tips

Suitable for sand, loam or clay soils, these drought tolerant, clump-forming plants grow 30 to 60 centimetres (1 to 2 feet) tall and feature long-lasting blooms that do best in full sun.

Plant lance-leaved coreopsis in small groups or larger swaths in front of tall grasses or wildflowers, or in a mixed border with plants, such as butterfly milkweed and little bluestem. Once in full bloom, cut and bring a few flowers to enjoy indoors.  

Coreopsis can spread easily when seeds fall and can form large colonies over time. To keep more blooms appearing and to prevent spreading, pinch off and remove the dead flower heads after they’ve bloomed. 

To keep coreopsis healthy and returning year after year, follow the instructions to divide clumps. With proper care and control, enjoy these whimsical blooms for many years to come. 

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