Island Lake Conservation Area Management Plan

Managing Island Lake Conservation Area

We developed a new management plan for Island Lake Conservation Area in 2021. The management plan establishes a new vision and objectives for the conservation area and actions that will help realize this vision and respond to current pressures. It will guide natural resource management, capital investments, recreation and visitor experiences over the next 25 years.

The Planning Process

The planning process to develop a new management plan for Island Lake Conservation Area occurred over many years building from the 1997 Island Lake Conservation Area Management Plan and working within the framework of CVC’s Conservation Areas Master Strategy

The planning process included the following phases.

Phase I – Situation Analysis

Phase I included a comprehensive analysis of the natural, cultural, social and economic values and pressures of the study area and made preliminary recommendations for consideration through the management planning process.

The Background Report for Island Lake CA (2018) details the social, cultural and ecological characteristics of the property. This report contains the baseline information summarized from CVC’s monitoring program data, research and other studies and provides the foundation for the identification of opportunities, constraints and recommendations.

Phase 2 – Strategic Directions

Phase 2 included the development and refinement of ideas and projects through consultation with the public, Indigenous partners and stakeholders. The management plan’s guiding statements and conceptual designs for new park facilities and visitor experiences were developed as we confirmed the types of recreation and programming that will be offered at the park.

The Strategic Directions Report for Island Lake CA (2021) synthesizes the input and feedback received and provides the justification and rationale for the final vision and the selection of management recommendations.

Phase 3 – Management Plan

Phase 3 presents our final vision for the conservation area and expands on the directions outlined in the Strategic Directions Report into more detailed management direction and policies.

The Management Plan for Island Lake CA (2021) guides park management and operations, infrastructure development, natural resource management, recreation and programming, and community partnerships over a 25-year timeframe. Implementation planning, including costing and phasing, is also provided.


Key Features of the Plan

Island Lake Conservation Area is a resilient and thriving environment that nurtures the health and well-being of our communities, connects people to nature and culture, and inspires an appreciation for the headwaters of the Credit River.

The vision is supported by five objectives that describe how the success of the Plan will be measured:

  • Protect: Protect, restore and enhance Island Lake CA to sustain a healthy, resilient environment
  • Connect: Connect people with nature and cultivate community pride for Island Lake CA through the development of strong, nurturing and meaningful relationships
  • Sustain: Sustain the health of the Credit River by conserving and managing Island Lake CA’s water resources
  • Experience: Experiences offered are accessible, inclusive and engaging making Island Lake CA a destination of choice to explore, discover and appreciate the headwaters of the Credit River Watershed
  • Deliver: Deliver services that reflect our commitment to quality, fiscal responsibility, health and safety and the natural environment

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