
Economic Instruments to Facilitate Stormwater Management on Private Property

The paper explores the mechanisms available to incent installation of Low Impact Development (LID) technologies, with particular focus on private commercial properties. It is a companion document to the White Paper on the Drainage Act, which describes how an existing legal framework can be applied to facilitate installation and maintenance of stormwater infrastructure on private property.

Economic Instruments to Facilitate Stormwater Management on Private Property Continue Reading

Grey to Green Enhanced Stormwater Management Master Planning: Guide to Optimizing Municipal Infrastructure Assets and Reducing Risk

This guide supports municipalities in retrofitting stormwater management systems using both grey and green infrastructure through completion of a stormwater master plan.

Grey to Green Enhanced Stormwater Management Master Planning: Guide to Optimizing Municipal Infrastructure Assets and Reducing Risk Continue Reading

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Lessons Learned: CVC Stormwater Management and Low Impact Development Monitoring and Performance Assessment Guide

This guide is intended to assist practitioners and decision makers with developing stormwater monitoring plans to demonstrate due diligence, reduce risk and liability, and inform asset management decisions.

Lessons Learned: CVC Stormwater Management and Low Impact Development Monitoring and Performance Assessment Guide Continue Reading

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