Celebrate with Us

Our Friends of the Credit Conservation Awards honour the important work being done in our watershed. We celebrate our partners and neighbours that share our vision of a thriving environment that protects, connects and sustains us.

Make the effort to recognize environmental effort! Nominate an individual or organization for a Friends of the Credit Conservation Award.

Award Categories

Nine award categories recognize the hard work and accomplishments of those who make a positive impact in the Credit River Watershed.

Eligible: Individuals and groups under age 29

Recognizes: Those under 29 years of age, striving to be future environmental champions.

Eligible: Individuals and groups

Recognizes: Those who generously give personal time to protect, connect and sustain our local natural environment.

Eligible: Individuals and groups

Recognizes: Those who connect communities with nature through education and outreach to promote environmental awareness, appreciation and action.

Recognizes: Those implementing restoration projects that increase natural cover and improve aquatic, terrestrial and wetland habitat on private lands.

Eligible: Corporations and businesses

Recognizes: Those corporations and businesses that take action and adopt new and creative approaches to plan for an environmentally sustainable future.

Eligible: Individuals, groups and public entities

Recognizes: Those public entities that implement leading edge green infrastructure in new development and existing urban areas.

Eligible: Individuals and groups

Recognizes: Recognizes and celebrates leadership and initiatives that focus on diversity, equity and inclusion; engaging and supporting people of diverse backgrounds and cultures to participate in environmental activities that support a sustainable future.

Eligible: Individuals, groups, corporations and businesses; excludes government agencies.

Recognizes: Those who donate land or funds to purchase land, ensuring its long-term protection.

Eligible: Individuals, groups, corporations and businesses

Recognizes: Those with a sustained record of achievement and commitment. Their ongoing leadership and dedication will leave a legacy of inspiration.

NOTE: This most prestigious award is only given in extraordinary circumstances. It may not be given every year.

Eligibility Requirements and Award Criteria

Nominees must meet eligibility requirements to be considered for an award. To be eligible to win an award, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Project and/or activities must contribute to the protection, connection and sustainability of the Credit River Watershed.
  2. Award recipients can be nominated in subsequent years, however any project can only be awarded once.
  3. Self-nomination is allowed when submitted with a letter of support.
  4. Award recipients cannot be an active CVC board member or staff, or have been acting as a board member or staff while undertaking the activities for which they are being recognized.
  5. Award recipients must be in good-standing with CVC’s planning policies and regulations.
  6. Projects and activities must align with CVC’s values that demonstrate inclusive and respectful practices and integrity through ethical decision making.

Nominations are vetted by CVC staff and reviewed by a sub-committee of the CVC Board of Directors. Awards will be given to an outstanding project, individuals or groups in each category that meet the following criteria:

  1. Alignment with CVC’s vision of a thriving environment that protects, connects and sustains the Credit River Watershed.
  2. Leadership and the ability to influence and inspire the community.
  3. A lasting contribution to create environmentally resilient communities for future generations.
  4. Values diverse perspectives, work experiences, lifestyles and cultures.

2022 Award Winners

We are proud to recognize our award winners!

Mississauga Youth Seed Library for their commitment to tackling food insecurity and climate change for Mississauga’s Climate Change Youth Challenge. The youth-led program connects people to locally grown seeds and provides education on growing food and biodiversity. Accepting the award were students Marynil Munoz, Teresa Nguyen, Saniya Gunputh and Olivia Li.

Frontline Program for leadership through peer-to-peer environmental outreach and stewardship. Youth contributed 605 hours of community involvement volunteer hours in 2022. Two notable projects included: the Youth Water Advocate initiative educating and engaging more than 500 students about the value of water as a critical resource, and the cross-cultural exchange with the Garvagh Forest Youth club in Northern Ireland. Jasmine Ma and Mokshita Hurday completed more than 100 hours of service in 2022 and accepted the award.

David Reid for his dedicated conservation efforts in the Credit River Watershed. With 117 hours of conservation and program work at The Riverwood Conservancy, Dave is a leader and role model for many volunteers. He is an experienced and valuable resource for new volunteers participating in programming at the conservancy.

James Crawford for his efforts as Chair of Willow Park Ecology Centre to support and enhance the organization’s vision and mission through environmental education and community engagement. James’ leadership at the centre enables the organization to continue providing its award-winning education services.

Trees for Halton Hills for their commitment to promoting tree care and planting in Halton Hills. They created a native tree and shrub arboretum at Joseph Gibbons Park in Georgetown and launched the 65,000 Tree Challenge, which dedicates one tree for each resident of Halton Hills.

Krystyna Tracewicz for her dedication to maintain the rain garden at Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School in Brampton. She meticulously cared for the space while the school administration and students were on summer vacation, ensuring the health and quality of the rain garden. Krystyna’s hard work and maintenance of the space allows the school to have a meaningful educational outdoor classroom space for teachers and students.

Mary Kate Whibbs for her dedication to educate and inspire communities about the importance of a healthy environment. She fosters a deeper appreciation of water resources through direct, hands-on learning for students and has facilitated over $60,000 in grants to help create rain gardens on school grounds with CVC and Toronto Zoo’s Blue Schools Program.

Janette Roy for her leadership as a classroom teacher and Eco-Lead at St. James Catholic Global Learning Centre in Mississauga. She fosters an environmental connection with students and started many initiatives to protect and connect the Credit River Watershed. Janette has achieved Platinum Eco-Schools certification for her school and taken the lead on working with the school board to encourage environmental learning, appreciation and action.

Brook Schryer and Matthew Robbins (Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters) for spreading awareness through events hosted with CVC about the Invading Species Awareness Program. This program increased public awareness about aquatic invasive species and the new provincial rules about cleaning watercrafts and equipment to stop the spread of aquatic invasives.

Derek Stone for his leadership at The Riverwood Conservancy through stewardship activities that support a healthy watershed. Derek led 211 public nature programs, engaging 8,000 participants in 2022. He also oversaw 135 stewardship programs that engaged 1,150 volunteers, helping people connect with nature.

Pam Sheldon and Sean James for their dedication to leading environmental action at St. Alban the Martyr Anglican Church in Acton. They volunteered their time to help the church adopt an action plan that included retrofitting the property with sustainable landscaping through the Greening for God committee. This work helped improve the biodiversity and health of the property.

Gary and Debbie Mountain for their passion for stewardship over the last 20 years on Wildfire Farm in Caledon. Since 2016, they have planted more than 2,000 potted trees and shrubs on sensitive lands, completed six Agricultural Best Management Practices projects, established and maintained vegetated buffers along 1.2 kilometres of ravine bank and stream riparian area, and reduced soil compactions. They also participated in the Alternative Land Use Services (ALUS) Peel Pilot, which seeks nature-based solutions for sustainable agriculture and biodiversity.

Sohail and Birha Farooqi for transforming their 7.3 hectare property in Erin by planting 1,250 trees, filling a gap in the forest canopy and increasing habitat for local wildlife. They also completed a Forest Management Plan for their woodland that will protect it for the next 10 years.

Keuhne+Nagel  for their commitment to nature through sustainable programming, including environmental, social and corporate governance topics. In 2022, the Mississauga location set a target to plant one tree or shrub for each of their 1,800 employees in Canada. They also lead by example in stormwater management innovation by including low impact development technologies in the construction of their Meadowvale Business Park facilities.

Phil and Gail Winters, owners and operators of Good Lot Farmstead Brewing Co., for leadership in sustainability, marrying organic and regenerative farm practices with beer production. The farm and brewery, located in Caledon, uses several strategies to achieve carbon-zero, including avoiding the use of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides, rotational livestock grazing and nitrogen dense cover cropping. GoodLot is also a valued partner of CVCF, supporting CVC’s conservation efforts through annual fundraisers like the CVCF silent auction and Conservation Gala.

R&M Construction for their commitment to CVC’s environmental stewardship. They have undertaken vital restoration projects including construction of Terra Cotta Conservation Area’s award-winning wetland restoration, Muskrat wetland restoration and Wolf Lake Pond bypass project. They also helped transform Belfountain Conservation Area through last year’s restoration project and Upper Credit Conservation Area’s bridge replacement and channel restoration.


Region of Peel for their ongoing initiative to incorporate green infrastructure to manage stormwater from their roads and properties. Over the past 10 years, the Region has implemented green infrastructure in 15 roadside projects and 22 Peel properties. As a result, downstream flooding and erosion risk is reduced, run-off is cleaned and cooled, and groundwater is recharged, helping to protect the Credit River Watershed.

Halton Region for their dedicated environment-first approach to land use planning and development of a robust Regional Natural Heritage System. The system’s approach to protect natural heritage now safeguards approximately 50 per cent of the entire Region. The goal of the system is to ensure biological and ecological functions within the region will be preserved and enhanced for future generations.


Punjabi Community Health Services for their commitment to provide programs that connect immigrants and seniors with nature and outdoor recreation. The organization engages their clients from diverse backgrounds through field trips to several CVC parks where they educate on the value of natural spaces and provide experiences that contribute to clients’ health and well-being. They have also provided opportunities for tree plantings, walking tours and environmental-themed presentations.

Karen Ras for a sustained record of achievement and commitment. Karen dedicated 11 years of volunteer efforts and contributed significant personal donations towards the preservation of the local environment. She served on the CVCF Board of Directors from January 2011 to December 2022, holding the position of chair from June 2017 to December 2022. Karen also helped lead many high-profile fundraising campaigns and events, such as the Conservation Gala, raising millions towards CVC’s priority projects.

Previous Award Winners

Winners in 2021

Award CategoryRecipient
Youth AchievementLukasz Padiasek
Outstanding VolunteerMaria Pakulnicka and Patricia Griesser
Lynn Sinclair Smith
Jutta Holdenried
John Monczka
Environmental AwarenessAdam Tompkins, Julie Orazem, Heather Little and Scott Richards
Steve Noakes
Credit Valley Trail Indigenous Roundtable
Anwar Knight
Blooming Boulevards
Landowner StewardshipMark and Nancy Latam, and Margaret Burt
Dufferin North Peel Anglers and Hunters Association
Wendy Walgate and Duncan Glaholt
Whole Village Property Co-Operative Inc.
Corporate LeadershipIMAX Corporation
Diamond Tree Care
Green CitiesMichael Hoy, Pam Cooper and Derek Currie
Region of Peel and R.V Anderson Associates Limited
Watershed ExcellenceJim Muscat

Winners in 2020

Award CategoryRecipient
Youth AchievementDeon Singh
Outstanding VolunteerJanice McClelland
Environmental AwarenessMichael Sklad
Landowner StewardshipSarah Mailhot
Corporate Leadership1) Four X Development
2) Global Investment Bank and Financial Services (Citi)
Green CitiesTara Day-Orzechowski (Glendale Public School), Adam Tompkins (Peel District School Board) and Michael Hoy (City of Brampton)
Legacy Donor n/a
Watershed Excellence Gavin Dandy

Winners in 2018

Award CategoryRecipient
Youth AchievementDipen Goyal
Outstanding VolunteerWarren Young
Environmental AwarenessDr. Premek Hamr
Landowner StewardshipBartley, Ann and Mary Bull
Corporate LeadershipLakeview Community Partners Limited
Green CitiesCity of Mississauga
Legacy Donorn/a
Watershed ExcellenceSylvia Bradley

Conservation Awards News

Last night, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) and Credit Valley Conservation Foundation (CVCF) hosted a special Friends of the …

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Read our Six-Part Weekly Series Highlighting the 2023 Conservation Award Recipients Part Six: Green Cities and Watershed Excellence …

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Read our Six-Part Weekly Series Highlighting the 2023 Conservation Award Recipients Part Five: Corporate Leadership Award Winners In …

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