
Developing a Stormwater Quality Management Standard (QMS) in Light of a Changing Climate

This report was conducted to understand the role and scope of a risk and quality management standard that could be developed to assist municipalities, engineers and other professional practitioners in designing, operating, maintaining and continuously improving stormwater management systems—both today and in light of a changing climate.

Developing a Stormwater Quality Management Standard (QMS) in Light of a Changing Climate Continue Reading

Draft Fletchers Creek Restoration Study – Executive Summary

The Fletchers Creek Subwatershed Plan Update provides a strategy to protect and enhance the natural resource features as land use changes, factoring in additional growth information since the original 1996 Plan.

Draft Fletchers Creek Restoration Study – Executive Summary Continue Reading

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Economic Instruments to Facilitate Stormwater Management on Private Property

The paper explores the mechanisms available to incent installation of Low Impact Development (LID) technologies, with particular focus on private commercial properties. It is a companion document to the White Paper on the Drainage Act, which describes how an existing legal framework can be applied to facilitate installation and maintenance of stormwater infrastructure on private property.

Economic Instruments to Facilitate Stormwater Management on Private Property Continue Reading

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