
Shaws Creek Subwatershed Study – Subwatershed 17 Phase I Characterization Report

This study covers the environmental and water related issues within the Shaws Creek Subwatershed, also referred to as Subwatershed 17. Specifically, an analysis of the groundwater and surface water hydrology, water quality, stream geomorphology, and aquatic and terrestrial ecology were undertaken.

Shaws Creek Subwatershed Study – Subwatershed 17 Phase I Characterization Report Continue Reading

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Smart Blue Roof and Rainwater Harvesting System Optimization: Engineering Design Brief

Smart blue roof and rainwater harvesting system optimization engineering design brief outlines the project background, main project objectives, permitting requirements, legislative requirements as well as the system final design being carried forward to construction.

Smart Blue Roof and Rainwater Harvesting System Optimization: Engineering Design Brief Continue Reading

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Stormwater Management Guideline (updated July 2022)

This Stormwater Management Guideline replaces the Stormwater Management Criteria (2012). The new document reflects climate change, new technologies, and policy directions. The SWM Guide supplements CVC’s Planning and Development Administrative Procedural Manual (CVC, 2011), with more detailed direction regarding the Stormwater Management component of development approvals.

Stormwater Management Guideline (updated July 2022) Continue Reading

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Subwatershed 11 – Silver Creek – Characterization Report

This study covers the environmental and water related issues within Subwatershed 11, or the Silver Creek Subwatershed. Specifically, an analysis of the groundwater and surface water hydrology, water quality, stream geomorphology, and aquatic and terrestrial habitat were undertaken.

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Subwatershed 15 – West Credit Subwatershed Study Characterization Report

This report ends Phase I (subwatershed characterization) of the West Credit Subwatershed Study and presents the study’s findings. It was initiated to address concerns about the health of the subwatershed’s water and related environmental resources.

Subwatershed 15 – West Credit Subwatershed Study Characterization Report Continue Reading

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Subwatershed 7, 8a and 8b – Final Report

This report provides a summary of the characterization of the subwatersheds, an analysis of the conditions and processes affecting the conditions and a management strategy to direct future land use and associated activities.

Subwatershed 7, 8a and 8b – Final Report Continue Reading

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Technical Guidelines for Flood Hazard Mapping

The Technical Guidelines provides guidance to staff of the Steering Committee agencies and Consultants undertaking flood hazard mapping studies for those agencies; a consistent approach in the development of flood hazard maps; and establishes “good engineering practice” in the development of flood hazard maps. This will provide a technical framework for evaluating the acceptability andadequacy of flood hazard maps during Regulatory and technical reviews.

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