Generation Restoration

An agricultural landscape with storm clouds and lightning.
A group of people wading in water at the edge of a river.n
Restoration in action–CVC staff working to prevent shoreline erosion along the Credit River.

It’s that time of the year again!

Celebrate Canadians taking action for the environment and kick off Canadian Environment Week!

From June 2 to June 8, 2024, Canadians will celebrate all the actions we’ve taken to protect our environment for a more sustainable and resilient future. Every year, Canadian Environment Week coincides with World Environment Day. This year, the United Nations theme for World Environment Day is “Generation Restoration.”

Be Part of ‘Generation Restoration’

So, what can you do to be a part of “Generation Restoration”? We have three very simple suggestions that are easy to do, good for you and good for the planet:   

  1. Test your well water: An unsafe test may indicate a local source of pollution on your property that needs to be addressed.
  2. Care for your septic system and pump your tank every three to five years: Prevent costly system failures and water pollution
  3. Go nativeAdd native plants to beautify your garden and promote biodiversity.

Ready for something bigger?

Reach out to our Countryside Stewardship Team to get a free assessment of your property and learn what projects and funding are available to you.

Let’s work together to restore the environment for people and nature, now and for generations to come. #GenerationRestoration #EnviroWeek #GreeningOurFuture

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