The Pits to Parks Restoration Project
We’re planning to ecologically restore two former aggregate sites in Caledon, Pinchin Pit and Flaherty West Pit, which is part of Charles Sauriol Conservation Area. Our goal is to transform these properties into future Credit Valley Parks.
In partnership with the Region of Peel, we’re undertaking studies to determine the technical, environmental, economic and social feasibility of importing clean excess soil to facilitate ecological restoration. Over time, we’ll transform the landscape and create forest and grassland habitats and provide the community a new built greenspace to explore nature-based recreation opportunities.

How are we Restoring the Properties?
With the success of using excess soil for restoration purposes at Jim Tovey Lakeview Conservation Area (JTLCA), it sparked an interest and opportunity to explore using excess soil again.
At Jim Tovey Lakeview, we are creating a 26-hectare waterfront conservation area with approximately 1.5 million cubic metres of excess soil. Since 2016, we’ve been building the new landform and enhancing the shoreline in Mississauga and expect to open the new conservation area to the public in 2025. At the two sites in Caledon, we’re looking at using excess soil to restore the landforms and create forest and grassland habitats.
How Long Will it Take to Restore the Sites?
The Pits to Parks restoration will take time. We’re estimating it will take between five to seven years to import the excess soil while progressively planting and creating the future forest and grassland habitats. We’re committed to engaging with the community at key milestones throughout project planning, design and implementation.
We Want Your Input!
Join us at the first Pits to Parks Open House on Thursday, April 18, in Alton. We invite you to meet CVC staff, learn about the project and provide your feedback. Register at cvc.ca/PitsToParksOpenHouse
Stay up to date on the latest news about the Pits to Parks Restoration Project by signing up for the project newsletter.
By Baljit Seran, Specialist, Marketing and Communications
What about the pit at 10th sideroad north of orangeville street.
I researched into this with the mnr and they said a numbered company owns it. The town has no idea.
Thank you for your interest in the Pits to Parks Restoration Project and for reaching out to us. CVC does not own that property and it is not part of the Pits to Parks Restoration Project. More information about pits and quarries in Ontario can be found here: https://www.ontario.ca/page/find-pits-and-quarries.
This is great. A couple of thoughts: 1. Seems like the quarry operators should be required to restore the area when they are finished operations, or at least cover the cost. 2. Rather than filling in, could the pit be filled with water to provide swimming and / or fishing opportunities, such as at Elora?
Thank you for your comments.
1) Both Pinchin Pit and Flaherty West Pit were technically rehabilitated per their Aggregate Resource Act licenses. This often includes regrading any steep slopes, redistributing any remaining topsoil and spreading a quick growing seed mix. CVC is proposing enhanced ecological restoration of Pinchin Pit and Flaherty West Pit through the importation of clean excess soil. This will establish natural topography and facilitate the growth of native trees, shrubs and herbaceous plants that replicates the ecological form and function of natural communities within Caledon. It will also enhance the overall biodiversity of these sites.
2) Both Pinchin and Flaherty West pits were sand and gravel pits and were not extracted below the groundwater. Quarries remove stone and rock and often operate below the water table – which can lead to an open water area. The current surface material at the Pinchin and Flaherty West pits is a gravel substrate, which is not suitable for holding water. There are also a few natural features on the properties – such as small wetlands and an area of forest that we aim protect and enhance through this project.
I think it is wonderful that you are restoring this land as best as you can . I wish the gravel companies would contribute to the cost . I am also sorry that you no longer have any say over new pits and quarries . You have power over individual citizens but non over governments and large conglomerates