Corporate Partners Connecting with Nature

One of the things we’re passionate about at CVC is connecting people with nature and inspiring them to take action to protect the local environment. On Wednesday, July 28, we were beyond excited to host our first corporate employee engagement event since 2019. We were joined by staff from 407 ETR, who participated as part of their One Big Day event – a day of giving back to the community through hands-on employee engagement.

Before staff from 407 ETR rolled up their sleeves and got to work, we took them on a guided hike along a portion of the Credit Valley Trail at Meadowvale Conservation Area. When completed, the trail will be a 100-kilometre pathway along the Credit River, from its headwaters in Orangeville to its mouth in Mississauga, that will connect communities with nature and the sustaining waters of the Credit River. This was especially meaningful since 407 ETR is the first corporate funder of the Credit Valley Trail.

407 ETR staff weren’t afraid to get their hands dirty! They worked hard to remove invasive buckthorn along the trail, which can outcompete native vegetation that local wildlife rely on for survival. They also planted wildflowers to help pollinator species such as butterflies. Our recently planted saplings needed some Tree-L-C (That’s TLC for trees!), and the 407 ETR team was happy to assist by removing surrounding vegetation and installing brush mats to help the plantings thrive. The team also made seedballs using native wildflower seeds, which they will plant in their home gardens to help pollinator species even more.

Our first corporate engagement event was a huge success! In all, 20 volunteers from 407 ETR came out to plant 45 native pollinator wildflowers, remove invasive species and tend to approx. 75 trees and shrubs. We’re excited to be back out in nature with our partners, and look forward to a busy fall season of events!

Interested in volunteering in the Credit River Watershed? Visit our events page for upcoming opportunities.

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