2025 Permits Fees
Our fees vary on the type and scale of a proposal.
Section 28 of the Conservation Authorities Act and Ontario Regulation 41/24 | Permit Fees |
Development – Small Scale | $548 |
Development – Medium Scale | $2,107 |
Development – Large Scale | $18,727 |
Development – Major Scale | $26,010 |
Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Watercourses and Shorelines – Small Scale | $974 |
Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Watercourses and Shorelines – Medium Scale | $7,023 |
Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Watercourses and Shorelines – Large Scale | $22,889 |
Interference with Wetlands and Alterations to Watercourses and Shorelines – Major Scale | $30,172 |
Permit for Minor Works | $268 |
Permit Revisions Review of Repeat Submissions (after 3rd submission) | 50% of current fee minimum 25% of current fee |
Expedited Review (dedicated technical review and approvals team) | (minimum) Additional 100% of current fee(s) |
In Stream Timing Window Extension | Minor $859 Major $2,147 |
Fill Placement (less than 500 m3)* | $859 |
Large Fill Placement (greater than 500 m3)* | $4,209 plus $1.00 per m3 |
Additional Site Visit Technical Review (per study/report) Unauthorized Works (violations) | $295 Scope study $2,788 Full report/assessment $5,496 Compliance 2x current fee Non compliance 3x current fee |
Property Information | Fee |
Solicitor/Realtor/Property Inquiry | $383** |
GIS Information Request/Service | $294 |
**HST applicable to Solicitor/Realtor/Property Inquiry only. The $383 fee includes the HST.
Notes and Fee Policies
- HST does not apply to permit fees.
- The application fee must be paid at the time of filing an application. A permit will not be issued unless the application fee has been submitted.
- CVC reserves the right to modify or adjust fees should the review require a substantially greater or lower level of review and/or assessment.
- CVC reserves the right to reassess fee requirements after two years of receipt of the application, based on timing and receipt of required technical information.
- All permits are issued for two years. Permit extensions and/or renewals will not be granted. However, applicants may re-apply for re-issuance of a new permit for the original approved works in accordance with the most recent technical requirements.
- For large fill placements, the CVC Procedural Guideline for receiving and processing applications to place fill in excess of 500 cubic metres should be referenced.
- The ‘Technical Review’ application category applies to all technical report submissions not associated with a formal Permit file that has already paid the appropriate CVC fee (e.g. applicant requests a review of a technical report during pre-consultation). Subsequently, if a formal Permit application is submitted in relation to the ‘Technical Review’ file, 50% of the ‘Technical Review’ fee previously paid is to be credited against the formal application fee.
- Fees related to review of repeat submissions (more than 3 submissions) will be determined by CVC depending on the number, completeness and quality of the repeat submission(s). The minimum 25% of current fee applies to each resubmission (starting at 4th submission).
- Requests for ‘Expedited Reviews’ are subject to resource availability and service level agreement (SLA) – at the discretion of the Director, Planning and Development Services.
- CVC will not accept permit applications to recognize (existing) unauthorized works that are non-compliant with Section 28 of the CAA, CVC’s associated regulation, and/or CVC policies. (Existing) Unauthorized works that are non-compliant are handled through CVC’s compliance and enforcement programming.
- An applicant has the right to appeal should they be dissatisfied with the prescribed fee. Any appeal shall first be considered by CVC’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), and then through a deputation by the applicant to the CVC Board of Directors if not satisfied with the CAO’s decision.
- The frequency and process for undertaking future Permit fee and policy reviews shall be as follows:
- Permit fees shall be reviewed on an annual basis as part of the budgeting process;
- A comprehensive review of Permit fees and full costs of services shall be undertaken every 5 years (beginning for 2022 fees). This will include the following activities:
- an assessment of the full cost of services;
- a review of cost recovery targets;
- considerations for variable pricing and categories to reflect the marginal costs and range of processing applications; and
- a survey of CA and municipal fees to ensure consistency and fees meet industry standards and applicant affordability.
- The development of Permit fees and policies shall incorporate an appropriate level of public consultation. At a minimum, this should include consultation with the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), members of the public, adjacent CAs, and municipal partners.
- Permit fees and policies shall be approved by the CVC Board of Directors prior to coming into effect. Once approved, updated fee schedules shall:
- come into effect on January 1 of the intended fee schedule year;
- be applicable to all new permit application submissions and other fee categories – including permit revisions, repeat submissions, and unauthorized works; and
- be posted on the CVC website and readily available in hard copy upon request.
- Small Scale: an application is determined to be “Small Scale” where no technical studies are required.
- Medium Scale: an application is determined to be “Medium Scale” where limited or scoped technical studies are required.
- Large Scale: an application is determined to be “Large Scale” where technical studies are required.
- Major Scale: an application is determined to be “Major Scale” where a number of technical studies are required (hydraulic analysis, storm water management, geotechnical, etc.).
- Minor in the In Stream Timing Window Extension is applicable where the request to extend the timing window is made well in advance of the final date, is considered low risk and requires minimal review.
- Major in the In Stream Timing Window Extension is applicable where the request to extend the timing window is made within less than a week of the final date and/or requires considerable review and effort by CVC staff.
2025 Plan Review Fees
Application-Collected by Municipality | Fees* |
Minor Variance | $478 |
Consents (Severances) | Minor $1,228 Major $3,645 |
Site Plan (Residential) | Minor $1,058 Intermediate $6,406 Major $8,620 |
Site Plan (Commercial, Industrial, Institutional) | Minor $2,640 Intermediate $7,068 Major $12,346 |
Site Plan Multi-unit Building and Condominiums Clearances | Minor $7,289 Intermediate $14,607 Major $38,544 Minor $3,490 Intermediate/Major $6,981 |
Site Plan Water Balance Review Only (WHPA Q2 Area) | $1,823 |
Official Plan Amendment | Minor $1,049 Intermediate $2,429 Major $5,305 |
Zoning By-law Amendment | Minor $1,046 Intermediate $2,429 Major $5,305 |
Subdivisions Clearances Technical Review (per study report) Review of Repeat Submissions (after 3rd submission) | $4,162 per net ha 50% at EIR or EMP submission** 25% at draft plan submission 25% at draft plan approval Minor $5,878 Major $14,108 Scoped study $2,788 Full report/assessment $5,496 (minimum) 25% of current fee |
** EIR refers to Environmental Implementation Report/EMP Environmental Master Plan
Application-Collected by CVC | Fees* |
Golf Courses | $18,516 |
Aggregate Operations | Minor $7,289 Intermediate $24,336 Major $72,890 |
Class EA review-Schedule A | N/A Permit Fee Only |
Class EA review-Schedule B | $6,038 plus permit fee |
Class EA review-Schedule C | $11,582 plus permit fee |
Individual EA/Master Plan | $17,635 |
** EIR refers to Environmental Implementation Report/EMP Environmental Master Plan
Notes and Fee Policies
- All fees include HST.
- The application fee must be paid at the time of filing an application and/or within 30 days of CVC notification in writing. For outstanding payments, CVC may place the application on hold upon review until satisfactory arrangements are established.
- When processing and reviewing consolidated applications (ZBA/OPA applications), the highest rate of fees will apply.
- Separate fees will apply for the processing of associated CVC permit approvals, with the exception of Subdivision applications.
- CVC reserves the right to adjust fees should the review require a substantially greater or lower level of review including applicant-driven revisions to an approved plan/application.
- CVC reserves the right to reassess fee requirements after two years of receipt of the application, based on timing and receipt of required technical information.
- The ‘Technical Review’ application category applies to all technical report submissions not associated with a formal Plan Review file that has already paid the appropriate CVC fee (e.g. applicant requests a review of a technical report during pre-consultation). Subsequently, if a formal Plan Review application is submitted in relation to the ‘Technical Review’ file, 50% of the ‘Technical Review’ fee previously paid is to be credited against the formal application fee.
- Fees related to review of repeat submissions (more than 3 submissions) will be determined by CVC depending on the number, completeness and quality of the repeat submissions. The minimum of 25% of current fee applies to each resubmission (starting at 4th submission).
- Requests for ‘Expedited Reviews’ are subject to resource availability and service level agreement (SLA) – at the discretion of the Director, Planning and Development Services.
- An applicant has the right to appeal should they be dissatisfied with the prescribed fee. Any appeal shall first be considered by CVC’s Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), and then through a deputation by the applicant to the CVC Board of Directors if not satisfied with the CAO’s decision.
- The frequency and process for undertaking future Plan Reivew fee and policy reviews shall be as follows:
- Plan Review fees shall be reviewed on an annual basis as part of the budgeting process;
- A comprehensive review of Plan Review fees and full costs of services shall be undertaken every 5 years (beginning for 2022 fees). This will include the following activities:
- an assessment of the full cost of services;
- a review of cost recovery targets;
- considerations for variable pricing and categories to reflect marginal costs and range of processing applications; and
- a survey of CA and municipal fees to ensure consistency and fees meet industry standards and applicant affordability.
- The development of Plan Review fees and policies shall incorporate an appropriate level of public consultation. At a minimum, this should include consultation with the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD), members of the public, adjacent CAs, and municipal partners.
- Plan Review fees and policies shall be approved by the CVC Board of Directors prior to coming into effect. Once approved, updated fee schedules shall:
- come into effect on January 1st of the intended fee schedule year;
- be applicable to all new plan review applications and other fee categories – including clearances and repeat submissions; and
- be posted on the CVC website and readily available in hard copy upon request.
- Minor: an application is determined to be “Minor” where no technical studies are required.
Minor for the purposes of administering clearance fees is a subdivision clearance of draft plan conditions that is administrative in nature with no technical studies (e.g. preparation of a letter after confirming that CVC is satisfied with the registration of the subdivision and review is limited to grading and sediment and erosion control plans, etc.). - Intermediate: an application is determined to be “Intermediate” where, as an example, a scoped Environmental Impact Study (EIS) is required.
- Major: an application is determined to be “Major” where technical studies (e.g. EIS, stormwater management, geotechnical) are required.
Major for the purposes of administering clearance fees is a subdivision clearance of draft plan conditions prior to registration which requires significant work to review and clear conditions and requires the review of technical information (stormwater management ponds, natural heritage system design, etc.).
CVC’s Comprehensive Fee Review
About Plan Review and Permitting
Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) provides Plan Review and Permitting services to watershed stakeholders including provincial agencies, municipalities, and landowners. CVC along with many other Conservation Authorities (CAs) requires a fee for these services on a cost recovery basis.
Recent Changes
Proposed changes to the Conservation Authorities Act (CAA) may affect some Plan Review and Permitting services and associated funding mechanisms. We anticipate our fees for service will continue on a cost recovery basis, however there will be a greater need for:
- Full cost accounting principles
- Increased transparency
- Increase consultation in the determination of fee schedules
Fee Review
In November 2020, CVC’s Board of Directors received a report by CVC’s Planning and Development Services (PDS) staff titled ‘Planning and Development Services Cost Recovery and Fee Schedule Update’. The purpose of the report was to:
- Inform the Board of the status of cost recovery for Plan Review and Permitting programs
- Seek approval of the proposed 2021 fee schedules
- Update the Board on CVC’s comprehensive fee review for Plan Review and Permitting programs
CVC retained Watson & Associates Economists Ltd. (Watson) to conduct a comprehensive review of current Plan Review and Permitting fees.
Report Objectives
The main objective was to conduct a comprehensive fee review to assess the current fees and fee structure, and to determine if they are sufficient to recover the anticipated and associated cost of services moving forward using full cost accounting principles.
Report Recommendations
The Comprehensive Fee Review includes the following recommendations:
- Updating the fee schedule and structure based on application type and service provided that’s more closely aligned to full cost of service and services provided
- Introducing a Fee Administration Policy in accordance with recent proposed changes to Section 21.2 of the Conservation Authorities Act
Review the full Watson Report with recommendations.
Fee Schedule Finalization
In May 2021, CVC’s Board considered the recommendations in a Board report titled ‘Planning and Development Services Comprehensive Plan Review and Permit Fee Schedule Review Update’. The Board endorsed the recommendations and resolved that staff continue to consult with the Building Industry and Land Development Association (BILD) and watershed stakeholders to refine the recommended full cost recovery fee schedules.
In November 2021, staff brought forward the final fee schedules and recommendations forward to the Board for endorsement and implementation starting in 2022. See the final Board report and resolution #117/21 titled ‘Planning and Development Services Cost Recovery and Fee Schedule Update’.
Contact Us
We continue to consult with watershed stakeholders and encourage individuals and organization who would like to learn more or provide input to contact our Director of Planning and Development Services at by email.
Book Now
Submit a request for a pre-submission consultation with one of our Planning or Regulation staff before you apply for a permit.
Apply Now
After your pre-submission consultation, submit your permit application online.
Review Key Documents
- 2024 Fee Report (for 2025 fees) – Board Resolution #106/24
- Minister’s Direction on Fees Letter (2024)
- 2023 Fee Report (for 2024 fees) – Board Resolution 96/23
- 2022 Fee Report (for 2023 fees) – Board Resolution #88/22
- 2021 Fee Report (for 2022 fees) – Board Resolution #117/21
- 2020 Fee Report (for 2021 fees) – Board Resolution #105/20
- 2019 Fee Report (for 2020 fees) – Board Resolution #99/19