
Environmantal Benefit Index for Wetland Restoration on Private Lands in the Greenbelt Region of Ontario, Canada: User Manual

This manual on the Greenbelt-specific Environmental Benefit Index (EBI) is to measure changes in ecosystem services as a result of landowners undertaking specific wetland restoration activities.

Environmantal Benefit Index for Wetland Restoration on Private Lands in the Greenbelt Region of Ontario, Canada: User Manual Continue Reading

Environmental Benefit Index for Wetland Restoration on Private Lands in the Greenbelt Region of Ontario, Canada: Literature Review and Conceptual Framework

The study reviews economic fundamentals of reverse auctions (RAs) and Environmental Benefit Indices (EBIs) used in the USA, Australia, and Canada. The study also recommends a framework for a Greenbelt-specific wetland restoration EBI that includes biological, hydrological, and social benefits.

Environmental Benefit Index for Wetland Restoration on Private Lands in the Greenbelt Region of Ontario, Canada: Literature Review and Conceptual Framework Continue Reading

Landowner Views on Wetland Enhancement and Restoration in and Adjacent to The Credit River Watershed

Through surveys of landowners, this report: (i) documents landowner wetland management history; (ii) understands landowner preferences and attitudes about wetlands and the ecosystem services they provide; (iii)
assesses the willingness of landowners to implement wetland restoration or enhancement on their
property; and (iv) evaluates landowner preferences for compensation.

Landowner Views on Wetland Enhancement and Restoration in and Adjacent to The Credit River Watershed Continue Reading

Landowner Wetland Management and Incentives for Wetland Restoration – Factsheet

A factsheet summarizing CVC study of rural landowners (farm and non-farm) in the Credit River watershed to determine: 1. how they manage wetlands on their properties; 2. their attitudes towards wetlands and the ecosystem services they provide; 3. their willingness to take on wetland restoration or enhancement projects; and 4. their preference for incentives to take on such projects.

Landowner Wetland Management and Incentives for Wetland Restoration – Factsheet Continue Reading

Valuing Wetlands in Southern Ontario’s Credit River Watershed: Phase I: Wetland Ecosystem Serivces Characterization and Literature Review

This report (phase 1) details valuing wetland ecosystem services in the Credit River Watershed. This report summarizes the literature about: (i) identifying/ quantifying wetland ecosystem services; (ii) assessing the impact that human activities/actions have on these services; and (iii) estimating the economic value provided by these services.

Valuing Wetlands in Southern Ontario’s Credit River Watershed: Phase I: Wetland Ecosystem Serivces Characterization and Literature Review Continue Reading

Wetland Hydrologic Assessment Method: A tool to characterize the hydrologic regime of wetlands for use in management and mitigation scenarios

The wetland hydrological assessment method is an approach to characterize the hydrological regime in wetlands, for the purpose of monitoring hydrological and ecological change and guiding management and mitigation against impacts.

Wetland Hydrologic Assessment Method: A tool to characterize the hydrologic regime of wetlands for use in management and mitigation scenarios Continue Reading

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