Preparing Your Yard for Fall Rain

Black-eyed Susan and smooth blue asters planted next to downspout directed a gravel.

Rain Gardens are a Beautiful Way to Manage Rain

Climate scientists predict we’ll experience more intense and frequent rainstorms throughout the watershed. There are things you can do to prepare your yard. Here are some fall maintenance chores that will help you prepare for fall rain.
Clear leaves from gutters, downspouts and raingarden inlets. You want to make sure rainwater flows away from your home’s foundation. If you can, redirect downspouts toward a garden or grassy area where rain can absorb into the ground. If some of your yard’s rainwater is directed into a raingarden, ensure the inlets are clear so that rain can flow into the garden. 
Convert lawn into a rain garden. Lawns aren’t good at quickly absorbing a lot of rain, which can cause pooling or flooding. Rain gardens are designed to temporarily hold rainwater and slowly release it into the ground. You can plant them with beautiful native plants that help filter and clean the water as it enters the ground.
Plant a native tree. During a storm, a tree’s leafy canopy can temporarily hold some of the rain, slowing and redirecting the amount of rain that hits the ground. Tree roots also increase the soil’s ability to absorb water to reduce runoff. The roots also take up and later release it through their leaves to provide a cooling effect on hot days.
Install a rain barrel (or two). Capture rainwater and use it to water your gardens during a drought.

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