Councillor Pat Mullin Re-elected as Chair, Credit Valley Conservation

Mississauga and Region of Peel Councillor Pat Mullin was acclaimed as chair of Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) at the Authority’s 2013 inaugural meeting today.  The CVC board of directors consists of 12 members represented by Councillors from member municipalities within the Credit River watershed. 

“I wish to thank members of the CVC Board for their continued support and commitment,” said Chair Mullin.  “I am proud of CVC’s Board and staff for significant accomplishments during the past year particularly for receiving approval of funding for a new gauge monitoring system that will provide greater protection of life and property in an uncertain future impacted by climate change.

“We continue to make significant gains in all CVC programs.  For example, innovative water technologies incorporating low impact development practises are helping provide cleaner water to rivers and streams while saving money over the long term.  We completed construction of an expanded nursery to support more tree planting throughout the watershed.  Restoration is beginning in Rattray Marsh, one of the remaining marshes of its kind on Lake Ontario.  Staff are successfully raising funds to supplement municipal levies.  Environmental education outreach has increased by more than 100 percent per year.”

Two vice–chairs were also elected to the CVC Board.  Councillor Joan Robson, Town of Halton Hills, was elected to her third term as vice-chair.  She has served on the CVC Board since 2001.  Councillor Tom Adams, Town of Oakville and Region of Halton, was appointed to the CVC Board in 2011.  This is his first term as vice-chair.

CVC is accountable through its Board of Directors to municipalities and residents in the Credit Riverwatershed.  These members approve and guide CVC programs and policies, and set its budget which was approved at the meeting totalling $24,166,109 for 2013.


Conservation Authorities are a provincial/municipal partnership. CVC was established by an act of the province in 1954 with a mandate to protect all natural resources other than minerals in the area drained by the Credit River. We have been working for almost 60 years with our partner municipalities and stakeholders to protect and enhance the natural environment of the Credit River watershed for present and future generations.

Maureen Pogue
Manager, Corporate Communications and CAO Office
Credit Valley Conservation
905-670-1615 ext. 242
[email protected]

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