Litter Bugs and Birds

Bird on tree branch.

Create More Bird- and Bug-Friendly Habitat

Leaving natural debris like leaves, sticks, dried flowers and plant stems on your property provides food and nesting sites for native bees and birds. Native ground-nesting bees, such as sweat bees and mining bees, reproduce and overwinter in tunnels of loose soil. Cavity-nesting bees, such as carpenter bees, prefer the hollow stems of plants like raspberry and goldenrod, or holes in wood.

Bird eating seeds of a flower head.
American goldfinch feasting on echinacea seedhead by Ian Lee.

American goldfinch, black-capped chickadee and dark-eyed junco love to feast on the seeds of dried flower heads, like echinacea, bergamont and black-eyed Susan.

Bird looking up while sitting on a wood log.
Downy woodpecker looks for food in standing deadwood.

Chickadees and woodpeckers break into galls, like those found on goldenrod stems, to snack on the insect larvae within.

Bird sitting on the branch of a sumac tree.
Robin snacking on sumac by Putneypics.

Fruit and seeds left on trees and shrubs provide a winter food source for birds like northern cardinal and cedar waxwing, and the American robin that returns early spring.

The presence of birds and bees in your yard is an indicator of a healthy property. Consider letting leaves and debris lie this fall to support these and other over-wintering species.

We can help you create habitat for wildlife on your property. We provide funding for eligible projects like grassland and wetland restoration, pollinator gardens and tree planting. Or you can certify all or a portion of your hay acreage as bird-friendly. Connect with us to learn more.

Your Countryside Stewardship Team

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