Insect Allies

Butterfly on a flower.

Part Three: The Fruits of their Labour

This is part three of a three-part series on beneficial insects — how to make them work for you in your garden or on your farm.

It’s pollinator week, making it a great time to celebrate the incredible services provided by pollinators. In the insect world, pollinators include flies, bees, moths, butterflies, beetles, ants and wasps.

These amazing animals support plant fertilization by transferring pollen between plants. Fertilization is critical for food production because it leads to seed and fruit production. About 30 per cent of the food we produce relies on pollinators.

Three bees inside a flower.
Squash bees are native pollinators of pumpkin, squash and zucchini.

Pollinators, like the other beneficial insects described in this series, have three basic needs that we can help to provide: food, shelter, and protection from harm. You can help support pollinators by planting native plants on your property while also adding colour and interest to your landscape.

Protect from Chemical Drift

Herbicides, pesticides and commercial fertilizers can cause harm to beneficial insects. To reduce harm, adjust the timing and amount of chemical applied. Avoid spraying near insect habitat such as native plant gardens and natural areas. Physical barriers like trees can also protect insect habitat from potential spray drift.

Download the Guide for Farmers today!

Learn more about how to support beneficial insect populations on farms in CVC’s new guide, Beneficial Insects on Your Farm.

Other Articles in this Series:

Part One: Decomposers on Duty (May 24)
Part Two: Crowd Control (June 7)
Part Three: The Fruits of Their Labour (currently reading)

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