How to be a Good Neighbour

Don’t Spread Invasives

Your neighbours may be fewer and farther between in the countryside, but invasive species, like the LDD moth, don’t respect property lines. To make sure your neighbours keep sharing their recipes with you, here are three actions you can take to ensure you’re not sharing invasive species with them.

Protect your trees from LDD moth larvaeTaping or wrapping trees, squishing, pheromone trapping and scraping egg masses are a few actions you can take to reduce the local impact now and next year.

While LDD caterpillar infestations are hard to miss, invasive plants may be harder to spot. Early detection and rapid response are the best ways to prevent spreading to neighbouring properties. Learn how to identify and remove invasive plants. If a rapid response is not possible (i.e., digging the plant out), at least cut off the seed-heads of plants like phragmites, dog-strangling vine or goutweed to prevent their spread. Put invasive plant matter into a heavy black garbage bag and leave in direct sun for a couple of weeks before disposing.

Winged euonymus leaves
Winged euonymus, also known as burning bush, is an invasive plant.

And don’t forget to wipe your feet! Invasive species, like garlic mustard, can hitch a ride on your shoes and your pets when you’re out enjoying one of our many beautiful conservation areas or parks. Check your boots and your pup after a summer outing to avoid transferring seeds back to your property.

We’re always here to lend a helping hand. Contact a stewardship coordinator to learn more about managing and removing invasive species on your property.

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