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Analysis of Present and Future Carbon Storage in the Forests of the Credit River Watershed

Analysis of Present and Future Carbon Storage in the Forests of the Credit River Watershed Continue Reading

Using inventory data, the total tons of carbon stored in Credit River watershed’s forests and plantations was estimated, and predicted up to 2030.

Analysis of Present and Future Carbon Storage in the Forests of the Credit River Watershed Continue Reading


Assessment of Standards and Systems for Quality and RiskManagement for Stormwater Infrastructure in light of Existing andFuture Climate Change Impacts

Assessment of Standards and Systems for Quality and RiskManagement for Stormwater Infrastructure in light of Existing andFuture Climate Change Impacts Continue Reading

Report assessing the existing standards for stormwater management and their ability to integrate floodresiliency and climate change solutions with the aim to support Partners in building stormwater systemresilience.

Assessment of Standards and Systems for Quality and RiskManagement for Stormwater Infrastructure in light of Existing andFuture Climate Change Impacts Continue Reading


Carbon Storage in Forests within the Credit River Watershed

Carbon Storage in Forests within the Credit River Watershed Continue Reading

A factsheet summarizing results of estimates of current and future carbon stored by forests and plantations in the Credit River watershed.

Carbon Storage in Forests within the Credit River Watershed Continue Reading

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