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Assessment of Standards and Systems for Quality and RiskManagement for Stormwater Infrastructure in light of Existing andFuture Climate Change Impacts

Assessment of Standards and Systems for Quality and RiskManagement for Stormwater Infrastructure in light of Existing andFuture Climate Change Impacts Continue Reading

Report assessing the existing standards for stormwater management and their ability to integrate floodresiliency and climate change solutions with the aim to support Partners in building stormwater systemresilience.

Assessment of Standards and Systems for Quality and RiskManagement for Stormwater Infrastructure in light of Existing andFuture Climate Change Impacts Continue Reading

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CVC Stormwater Management Pond Planting Guidelines

CVC Stormwater Management Pond Planting Guidelines Continue Reading

Guidelines developed to assist landscape architects or other professionals in preparing planting plans for stormwater management (SWM) wet ponds. Provides guidance on the moisture zones present in a typical SWM wet pond, plant selection, seed mixes, calculations of plant materials, stocking sizes, and topsoil and site preparation.

CVC Stormwater Management Pond Planting Guidelines Continue Reading

Developing a Stormwater Quality Management Standard (QMS) in Light of a Changing Climate

Developing a Stormwater Quality Management Standard (QMS) in Light of a Changing Climate Continue Reading

This report was conducted to understand the role and scope of a risk and quality management standard that could be developed to assist municipalities, engineers and other professional practitioners in designing, operating, maintaining and continuously improving stormwater management systems—both today and in light of a changing climate.

Developing a Stormwater Quality Management Standard (QMS) in Light of a Changing Climate Continue Reading

Research Gaps in Setting Levels of Service and Assessing Levels of Risk for Managing Stormwater in a Watershed Context

Research Gaps in Setting Levels of Service and Assessing Levels of Risk for Managing Stormwater in a Watershed Context Continue Reading

The purpose of this document is to identify guidance needs for establishing a common approach to setting watershed and stormwater levels of service and assessing associated risk in light of climate change to inform (sub)watershed planning, municipal master planning and asset management planning in accordance with provincial and municipal requirements.

Research Gaps in Setting Levels of Service and Assessing Levels of Risk for Managing Stormwater in a Watershed Context Continue Reading

Stormwater Management Guideline (updated July 2022)

Stormwater Management Guideline (updated July 2022) Continue Reading

This Stormwater Management Guideline replaces the Stormwater Management Criteria (2012). The new document reflects climate change, new technologies, and policy directions. The SWM Guide supplements CVC’s Planning and Development Administrative Procedural Manual (CVC, 2011), with more detailed direction regarding the Stormwater Management component of development approvals.

Stormwater Management Guideline (updated July 2022) Continue Reading

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